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33 Miri

“The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.”

Deuteronomy 28:8 (NIV)

The discovery of oil in Miri: Charles Hose, a British colonial administrator, with the help of the local, mapped and collected samples of the oil seepage in Claudetown. In 1909, the Rajah and Hose signed the contract with the Anglo-Saxon Oil company (a part of the Royal Dutch Shell Company). On 22 December 1910 oil was struck at 130 metres.

Source: Rasoul Sorkhabi (2010)  

Miri City, Miri River and the South China Sea

Source: Expedia Team 2019

1.0 Physical Characteristics

Geography: Located in the northeastern part of Sarawak, Miri stands as the capital of the Miri Division, covering a substantial land area of 997 km²—surpassing the expanse of Berlin.

Population: As of 2020, Miri City was home to a population of 358,000 residents, contributing to the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

Distance and Location: Positioned near the border with Brunei, Miri City faces the South China Sea. It serves as a pivotal point in Borneo, with notable distances to other key cities:

Distance of Miri to other cities in Borneo

CityDistance (km)
Tanjung Selor413
Kota Kinabalu289
Bandar Sri Begawan115

Tropical Climate: Situated at 4.3° north of the equator, Miri experiences a tropical climate characterized by an annual rainfall of 2,713 mm and an average day temperature of 30.9°C.

Historical Significance: Miri holds historical prominence as the site where Shell discovered the first oil well in 1910, marked by the iconic Grand Old Lady in the State Monument. In 1914, Shell further solidified its presence by establishing the first oil refinery and laying a submarine pipeline.

Cultural Diversity: Renowned for its cultural richness, Miri stands as one of the most diverse cities, hosting various ethnic communities, a substantial expatriate population, and international students enrolled at Curtin University of Australia.

Unique Attributes:

  • Natural Resources: Miri boasts abundant natural resources, including timber, oil, and gas, contributing to its economic significance.
  • Spacious Landscape: The city spans a sparsely populated vast land, blessed with ample sunshine and rainfall.
  • Asia Pacific Hub: Miri serves as a central hub connecting to the Asia Pacific region, further enhancing its strategic importance.
  • Diverse Culture: Beyond its economic strengths, Miri thrives as a seafront resort city, attracting a blend of international petroleum workers and students from around the globe.

2.0 History

Ceded by Sultan of Brunei to Brooks1883
Founded by Royal Dutch Shell1910
Ceded to British Crown Colony1946
Federation of Malaysia1963

Unique Attributes: 

  • Oil and gas producing city
  • Founded by Royal Dutch Shell

3.0 Economy

Miri is the second-largest city in Sarawak, and its major economic activities include:

  1. Tourism:
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Gunung Mulu National Park with the largest cave chamber in the world
  • Loagan Bunut National Park
  • Niah National Park
  • Miri Sibuti Coral Reef National Park
  • Lambir Hills National Park
  • Diving and eco-tourism adventures
  1. Industry:
  • Several industrial parks, including Kuala Baram Industrial Estate (mixed industries)
  • Piasau Industrial Estate (light industries)
  • Senadin Industrial Area
  • Eastwood Industrial Estate
  • Bekenu Light Industrial Area (food processing)
  1. Shipping:
  • Shipbuilding companies such as Sealink Shipyard, Shin Yang Shipping & Shipyard, Berjaya Dockyard, and Sarawak Slipways
  1. Oil & Gas:
  • Oil and gas industries with downstream refinery and chemicals segments
  • Multinational companies include Sarawak Shell, Petronas Carigali, Nippon Oil, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, Halliburton, Technip, Ranhill WorleyParsons, and Petra Resources
  1. Agriculture:
  • Tropical fruits, pepper, oil palm, and rubber
  1. Timber:
  • Timber logging and processing industries
  • Major timber groups include Shin Yang, Samling, RH Group, Ta Ann Group, WTK Group, and KTS Group
  1. Commercial:
  • Property development, civil construction, shipbuilding, retail, financial services, tourism, education, and manufacturing sectors contributing to rapid economic growth
  1. Education:
  • Curtin University attracting over 4,000 international students from 45 countries

Unique Attributes:

Opportunities to develop tourism, timber downstream, education, oil and gas downstream industries.

4.0 Language

In Miri City, language usage is diverse, with the following common languages:

  • Bahasa Sarawak: The most prevalent language.
  • Malay, English, and Chinese: Also commonly spoken.

Unique Feature:

  • Malay: Holds a significant role as the most effective language in the government and business sector.

5.0 Investment Opportunities

5.1 Oil & Gas

Miri and Bintulu offer substantial natural gas reserves, with the Samalajau Industrial Park serving as the energy industry hub. Key points include:

  • Petronas Investment: Bintulu hosts a significant Petronas investment in the gas industry.
  • Gas Pipeline: A 512 km gas pipeline connects natural gas from Kimanis Sabah to the LNG complex at Bintulu.
  • LNG Exports: Bintulu exports LNG products to Japan (62%), Korea (17%), Taiwan (12%), and China (9%).
  • Sarawak Shell Bintulu Plant: Features three crude oil storage tanks with a total capacity of 1.2 million barrels.
  • Royal Dutch Shell Gas-to-Liquid Plant: Operates with a production capacity of 14,770 barrels per day.
  • Collaboration Opportunity: Miri-Bintulu oil and gas industries can collaborate with Kalimantan counterparts for competitive advantages, enhanced productivity, and improved financial performance.
  • Borneo Hub: The combined effort aims to establish Borneo as the new hub for oil and gas downstream industries in the Asia Pacific region.

5.2 Agriculture

  • Palm Oil: Miri and Bintulu Divisions boast large-scale oil palm plantations and downstream refinery industries.
  • Timber: Miri and Bintulu have well-established timber industries, with Bintulu Division designated as a Planted Forests Zone (PFZ).
  • Opportunity: There is potential to establish new Eucalyptus timber plantations.

5.3 Tourism

Miri’s tourism sector is rich with world-famous national parks, including Niah Caves, Gunung Mulu, Loagan Bunut, and Lambir Hills. Other notable destinations include the Bario Highlands, Baram River, scuba dive sites, and rainforest trails.