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18 Mining Gold: Image Reference

1. Dunolly Museum (2021) Welcome Stranger Nugget, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

2. Bron Suchecki (2016) Gold Investor Series-How much gold exists in the world, PNG, accessed 07 April 2022
3. Philip N. Diehl (2014) Inside Fort Knox: gold or no gold, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

4. ICMM (2016) Role of mining in national economies – 3rd Edition, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

5. Sky Jewellery (2021) Benefits of Investing in Gold, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

6. Department of Industry Australia (2022) Resources-and-Energy-Quarterly-March-2022-Gold, PDF, accessed 01 September 2022

7. Lee Williams (2019) Exploring the Gold Supply Chain, accessed 01 September 2022

8. Vaulted (n.d.) The gold supply chain, PDF, accessed 01 September 2022

11. Bruno Venditti (2021) The World’s Top 10 Gold Mining Companies, PDF, accessed 17 August 2022. Elements by Visual Capitalist

12. Wikipedia (2020) Largest gold mines by 2020 production, accessed 07 April 2022

13. Baru Gold (2021) Indonesian Focus, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

14. Besra Gold (2021) Bau Gold Mine, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

15. Bahvest Resources (2021) Bukit Mantri Gold Mine Tawau, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022
16. Government Printing Department, Jesselton, North Borneo (1961) Colony of North Borneo Annual 1960, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022
17. Michael Zientek, Jane Hammarstrom, and Kathleen Johnson (2010) Porphyry Copper Assessment of Southeast Asia and Melanesia, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

18. Mining Technology (2016) Yanfolila Gold Project, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

19. Donlin Gold (2021) The Mining Method: Gold-Extraction Process, PDF, accessed 28 December 2021

20. Joel Wetterhahn (2018) A method to assess the likelihood and magnitude of initial capital expenditure overruns of future gold mining projects using retrospective data analysis, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

21. Vladimir Basov (2021) Lowest cost gold mining companies in 2020 - report, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022

22. Krizka Danielle Del Rosario (2020) Majority of largest gold miners booked higher all-in sustaining costs in Q1'20, PDF, accessed 07 April 2022