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Tag: Introduction to Investments Asia Pacific

Introduction to Investments Asia Pacific


How to become rich, irresistible, and really cool?



Porkchop (2017) youtube

Investor satisfaction

There are four fundamental questions for any business investment.

1. Is there a need?

2. Is it financially viable?

3. Is it achievable?

4. Is it durable?

This blog identifies and describes the four criteria for business investment.

1. Demand creation.

2. Financial viability.

3. Management team.

4. Sustainability and scalability.

This blog’s benefits

1. Identify and capture the opportunities. Engage the target markets.

2. Highlights the investment cost, return and industry benchmark.

3. Identifies the global industry leaders and their key success factors.

4. Design unique business model strategies.

Investment in Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific has a population of 4.5 billion people with a GDP of US$65.44 trillion. Emerging markets and developing nations offer vast land and unexplored natural resources. This blog incorporates a business plan structure that explains the target industries.

Risk and mitigation

The blog also covers the six important areas of risk mitigation in the Asia Pacific markets.

1. Political, legal, and regulatory.

2. Bribery and corruption.

3. Barriers and competition.

4. Market dynamics.

5. Relationships and network.

6. Country diverse culture.

My goals

My first goal is to provide a unique insight for the mentors, coaches, sovereign leaders, and captains of the industries on the vast potential of the Asia Pacific markets.

My second goal is to inspire these visionary leaders and take bold steps to capture the opportunities.

My third goal is to encourage these leaders to use their success to benefit the local communities.


I would like to thank all the business, financial, and investment writers. Their articles and images have helped to form the background source of this blog. I acknowledge their outstanding effort in the bibliography section.

Equally important are the top global leaders and captains of the industries. As a tribute to their vision and successful mission, I have included them as great mentors and coaches.

The way forward

Borneo is one of the last frontiers in Asia Pacific. First-mover captures a competitive advantage in resource acquisition with the least barrier. The early movers will face lower costs and less competition. I hope it will inspire the readers to capture the opportunities and invest in this beautiful island.